Three Corners Marina
Position of the CWC:
There would appear to be three primary options for the potential Marina development as part of the Three Corners project.
A full-service Marina
A Marina with day docking only, no overnight stays.
Marina with day docking except for overnight guests at the hotel. No sleeping on board.
Whichever option is chosen, particular attention should be given to the exposed nature of the site. Unlike the city Marina which is in a very sheltered location, this Marina would be very exposed to winds from all directions except from the West. The effect of winds in creating wave action is largely related to so-called “fetch” - the distance the wind-driven waves travel uninterrupted by land or other obstacles. A classic example of this was last year at Causeway Cove Marina. This Marina faces south on the south side of the Ft. Pierce south bridge. Hurricanes in the northern hemisphere rotate counterclockwise, so as Ian passed to our West the strong resulting southerly winds, unimpeded along the lagoon from Stewart to Fort Pierce devastated the Marina. It’s important to note as well that this was new construction.
The proposed Marina at Three Corners is similar in orientation, albeit with a little more protection from the bridge and the island to the south.
At a minimum, this would need in-slip pump out, not a very attractive view for restaurant patrons and others. Bathroom facilities would also be required, along with dock hands, registration, and 24/7 security - possibly fencing, locking gates or patrols. Fuel service would not be necessary.
This Marina would compete directly with the city Marina a few hundred yards North.
Docking would be allowed, say, from dawn to dusk for boats visiting to dine or participate in other activities. Space available could be first come first serve but would probably need some control via a reservation system and dock hands.
This option may need some slips to be set aside. The hotel could provide the reservation system and dock hands. No sleeping on board.
The Clean Waters Coalition of Indian River County favors the day dock option with or without hotel use. There are concerns about a full-service Marina for the reasons outlined above.