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How Can We Keep Our Water Clean?


On March 1 at 7 PM at the Emerson Center in Vero Beach (flier below), the Clean Water Coalition of Indian River County will be hosting a presentation on the merits of mechanically harvesting aquatic vegetation as a partial solution to our nutrient problem in Florida.

Using our polluted waterways as an "aquatic liver" to remove nutrients is not a total solution, but could go a very long way to quickly reduce our nutrient problem and reduce herbicide toxicity concerns. This concept could be implemented in many waterways as a statewide program. The economics of this proposal will also be discussed.

Please forward this info to interested friends, colleagues, government figures, and organization members. While not entirely new, this concept has huge potential and we hope to get the word out to as many individuals as possible.

Our sincere hope is that this concept gets serious consideration by State Government as a comprehensive statewide plan of action.

Please join us for this great and informative event!

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Clean Water Coalition
of Indian River County, Inc.

P.O. Box 2171
Vero Beach, FL 32961



© Clean Water Coalition of Indian River County. The CWC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Click here to read our privacy policy.

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