Morning Star Fields - Poultry Production Facility
The Clean Water Coalition continues to closely monitor the permitting process for this very large egg production facility proposed by Morning Star Fields OZ LLC (MSF). CWC has filed a “Request for Information” to both the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and Indian River County - to keep us informed and provide a basis for CWC input “to avoid and monitor water quality impacts in the Upper St. Johns Watershed including Blue Cypress Lake”.
At this time, details of the proposed facility are expected in response to FDEP’s request for additional information (RAI – dated 1/10/2025) needed to complete MSF’s FDEP permit application - regarding the required Wastewater Activity Permit. FDEP has requested the following information from MSF:
a “site plan with all the proposed wastewater infrastructure represented, the process flow diagram and a location map” indicating the specific location of these facilities;
the “distances from the land application site to any Drinking Water Supply wells, Natural Watercourses and/or Drainage Ditches”;
a “narrative section detailing the type of proposed wastewater treatment system to be on site” including “all elements of the wastewater infrastructure”;
the “location of all proposed monitoring wells and their depth” and the proposed “ground water monitoring plans”; and
a “Nutrient Management Plan” – required for the proposed Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) that contains Best Management Practices to meet federal “effluent limitations and standards”.
In addition, FDEP has required MSF to publish a Notice of Application “in the legal ad section of a newspaper of general circulation in the area affected” – expected within 14 days of MSF submittal of a complete application. The notice will (a) identify MSF intent to “construct and operate a Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation Facility generating industrial wastewater …for Agriculture Irrigation”, and (b) invite any comments or objections – to be filed with FDEP. CWC expects to submit comments to FDEP in response to this notice - praising project attributes and citing any remaining issues or concerns.
CWC is also awaiting response to our Request for Information from Indian River County regarding (a) County Code Enforcement activities surrounding construction completed to date, and (b) the County required Flood Plain Development Permit for structures within the Special Flood Hazard Area (Flood Zone) surrounding the MSF site within the St Johns River basin.
Johns Island - Stormwater Pipeline Project

Construction of the pipeline from the Main Relief Canal to John’s Island has progressed through cooperative efforts by the City of Vero Beach, the John's Island Property Owners' Association, and the Indian River Land Trust. Upon completion, the pipeline will (a) transport treated stormwater from the Main Relief Canal to John’s Island for irrigation, and (b) reduce pollutant loads into the Lagoon.
Pipeline installation underneath the Indian River Lagoon is complete via directional drilling and boring. The pipeline landings at Bee Gum Point and the 45th Street Dock (a) have been restored to preconstruction conditions and (b) accepted by the Indian River Land Trust and City.
The City employed best practice standards to protect the Lagoon and landing areas – including:
City representatives on site,
continuous on-site inspection services by the engineering firm of record, and
oversight by a world-renowned engineering firm specializing in underground boring.
The entire pipeline is expected to be completed in late March, with project completion possibly by mid-August as delayed due to supply chain issues and the Water Treatment Plant modifications required to implement the project.

Reaffirming a Vision for the Three Corners Marina
The Clean Water Coalition of Indian River County (CWC) remains firm in our support for sustainable and community-focused development at the Three Corners site. As progress continues, including exciting developments like the Youth Sailing Foundation’s new community sailing center, we must maintain a forward-thinking approach that aligns with environmental resilience and community needs.
CWC has previously endorsed a marina design centered on day docking rather than a full-service facility. We believe day docks will maximize community benefit by encouraging visitors to dine and shop at local businesses while minimizing the environmental and logistical challenges associated with a full-service marina. This approach would also reduce the risks posed by the site's exposure to wind and wave action, a concern amplified by the open nature of the location and lessons learned from similar projects.
While the Three Corners project offers incredible potential, the city must implement plans that balance economic vitality with ecological responsibility. By choosing day docking, the marina can become a vibrant hub that enhances community engagement and complements the broader master plan without directly competing with the nearby city marina.
The CWC applauds the steps taken toward realizing the vision for Three Corners and looks forward to seeing this project contribute to a thriving, sustainable future for Vero Beach. Collaboration and careful planning remain key to ensuring success for all stakeholders.
Riverkidz in Review : 2024
Riverkidz supported by Clean Water Coalition of IRC and Pelican Island Audubon Society had an exciting year with many activities and opportunities to advocate for the Indian River Lagoon, and to more engaged in their natural environment.
Starry Night Pajama Party at the Audubon House- Telescopes with a course on the constellations.
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation loan kit – learned about small mammal families with pelts from the FWC loan program.
Kayaking the Indian River Lagoon
Birding for Riverkidz –Bird identification and trip to Egret Marsh while learning about stormwater pollution.
Riverkidz assisted at the Information table at the Pelican Island Refuge – Anniversary weekend
Birding at Round Island, and exploring on island
Bat kit was loaned by Florida Fish and Wildlife, and Riverkidz learned to help animals in danger and at risk for exploitation.
Earth Day event – displayed posters and spoke to participants at Sebastian Riverview Park.
Protect Insects – Protect Birds - the importance of insect protection, ways to inform the public
New camera training – and how to use it as a way to tell your story.
Manatee Kit used for training from FWC
Black Bear of Florida training kit from FWC
The third week of summer nature camp started.
The Lorax & The Lagoon with discussion with Heather Stapleton
Wabasso Beach Clean-up & Seining
Game Day & Brunch
Oslo Hike & Clean up
Riverkidz TEENS - Oslo Hike - Photography
The Lorax & The Lagoon
Day of Caring - Gifford Middle School
TEENS Day of Caring - Delivering Door Hangers (half completed)
Manatee Fest - Did a booth
TEEN Manatee Fest - Did a booth
Pine Needle Basket
TEEN Pine Needle Basket
Cancelled events due to weather and winds

Transform Your Yard with Native Plants!
The Clean Water Coalition of Indian River County is excited to sponsor the 6th Transforming Landscapes for a Sustainable Future Conference hosted by the Pelican Island Audubon Society. This event will teach you how to enhance your yard with native plants, creating a beautiful, sustainable landscape that supports local ecosystems.
Join us on Saturday, January 18, 2025, at The Emerson Center in Vero Beach from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Tickets are just $35 per person, which includes a box lunch. Native plants will also be available for purchase on-site from local nurseries.
Expert speakers will cover engaging topics, including using native plants to attract pollinators, creating sustainable lawns, and improving the health of ponds. These presentations will provide practical advice and inspiration to transform your yard while helping our environment.
This is a wonderful opportunity to learn, connect with local environmental organizations, and take action for a more sustainable future. Spaces are limited, so don’t wait!
Register today at PelicanIslandAudubon.org and join us in making a positive impact on our community and natural spaces. We’ll see you there!